| Салхины хурд хэмжигч UT363BT

Салхины хурд хэмжигч UT363BT. үнэ: 90,000 төг. UT363-BT Mini Anemometer. UT363BT are mini wind speed and temperature meters. UT363BT can measure wind speeds up to 30m/s. UT363BT can transfer measurement data through bluetooth to UNI-T's custom mobile APP (iENV) for further analysis, storage, and export. iENV can be ...


АНД. АНД. Хятдууд "Өшөө авах аялал"-д гарцгааж байна. 10 мянган адуутай Жигтэй баяны нутаг. Хятадад конкурсны үеэр болдог хачирхалтай зүйлс. Малчдын уламжлалт ахуйг харуулсан үзэсгэлэнтэй ...

Russian Home-Grown Computer Poised to Ease Dependence …

The company ships its Elbrus-8S-equipped Elbrus-801PC workstation with 32 GB of RAM, expandable to 64 GB, a 120 GB SSD, a 1 terabyte hard drive, and an AMD Radeon R5 230 video card. In addition to programs for its native Linux-based Elbrus OS, the system is also capable of running Intel x86-32 and Intel x86-64 applications in emulation.