Zamanco Minerals Limited (ASX: ZAM)

16 Aug 2016. DONOHUE, Geoffrey. Transfer. Indirect Shares. 650,000. $0.050. $32,500.000. See all changes in directors' interest & trades for Zamanco Minerals Limited (ZAM) or use our Changes in directors' interest tool to search for changes & trades across all ASX-listed securities.


Манай орон байгалийн баялаг, эрдэс түүхий эдийн нөөцөөрөө дэлхийд дээгүүр тооцогддог. Эрдэс хүдрийг баяжуулах, боловсруулах арга технологиуд тухайн эрдэс хүдрийн шинж чанараасаа ихээхэн хамаардаг аж. Энэ тухай ШУА ...

Zamanco Minerals Limited Announces Executive Changes

Zamanco Minerals Limited announced Mr. Jacques Badenhorst has become a Non-executive Director of the Company and his role as Managing Director has ceased. This action, with the full support of Mr. Badenhorst, represents part of Zamanco's cost reduction initiatives already advised in previous releases. The Company's current …

Zamanco Minerals Ltd Stock price

Zamanco Minerals Limited is an Australia-based company, which continues to seek a transaction of merit capable of becoming the primary undertaking of the Company. The Company focuses on identifying and evaluating a business opportunity. It has undertaken evaluation of a range of prospects in various industries. Sector.

Atlas — Монгол

Баянголын төмрийн хүдрийн бүсийн ордуудаас сүүлийн жилүүдэд 5 сая гаруй тн хүдэр олборлож анхдагч боловсруулалт хийсний дараа хүдрийн баяжмалыг Хятад улсад экспортолж байна.

Манганы хүдрийг баяжуулах технологи

Манганы гол ашигт малтмал бол родохрозит, хортой элементүүд апатит хэлбэрээр байдаг бөгөөд гангийн эрдэсүүд нь ихэвчлэн кварц ба шавар юм. Синьхай компани энэхүү манганы хүдэр баяжуулах ...


Zamanco Minerals has discontinued its long campaign to develop a major manganese project in Zambia, ... Australian miner Aurelia Minerals has outlined the starting physical and economic picture for the development of an underground mine at its high-grade, low-cost Federation polymetallic deposit in the Cobar Basin of central-western New South ...

Zamanco Minerals begins feasibility study at Zambian …

Zamanco Minerals (ASX: ZAM) has begun a Bankable Feasibility Study at its Serenje Manganese Project in Zambia which places the company closer to its short term goal of project construction in 2013. The BFS will investigate seven alternative production scenarios and is expected to take around seven months to complete, with the results of …

01. Tailangiin_bichver

манганы хүдрийн биетийг тогтоох, чанарын үзүүлэлтийг судлах, түүний үе давхаргын байршлын зүй тогтлыг зөв тогтоох зорилготойгоор хайгуулын өрөмдлөгийн ажлыг гүйцэтгэсэн.