Steel News

As already done for the CC23, all the main technological equipment of the twin-strand caster CC21 will be completely rebuilt, from the mould to the last segment, converting it from a curved geometry with a main radius of 10.5 meters to a vertical-curved geometry with vertical portion exceeding 2.2 meters and a main radius of 8.2 meters, specifically …

ArcelorMittal Fos-sur-Mer | Viktor Mácha

Sollac originally planned to establish the mill in the north of France near La Hevres, but the government chose the town of Fos-sur-Mer with emphasis on regional development. In 1969, Sollac founded a subsidiary Solmer (Societé Lorraine et Méridionale le Laminage Continu), which continued to operate under the name Sollac Fos from 1988.

Characterization of the permeability of the blast furnace …

Several methods have already been used as radioactive tracing, coke core boring and Iiquids sampling, achieved by the tuyere probe installed on the BF 1 of Sollac Fos. Results of these measurements can be completed by gas analyses on the blast furnace radius and by gas tracing using helium, also achieved with the tuyere probe.


Sollac (Société Lorraine de Laminage Continu) was a French steel company formed in December 1948 as a cooperative to produce steel rolls in Lorraine from steel provided by several other companies. There were various changes of ownership during the years that followed. In 1970 the company, under pressure from the French government, …


SOLLAC - Fos - sur - Mer SOLLAC - Dunkerque Aciéries de Bonpertuis, S.A. SOLLAC - Basse Indre Aciers de Champagnole, S.A. Forges et Laminoirs de Breteuil, S.A. Unimetal - S.M. Normandie Aciéries Aubert et Duval Unimetal Montereau, S.N.C. Laminoirs de Bretagne, S.A. Aciéries et Laminoirs de Rives, S.A. Vallourec, S.A. - Aulnoye Société ...


SOLLAC - Fos - sur - Mer SOLLAC - Dunkerque Aciéries de Bonpertuis, S.A. SOLLAC - Basse Indre Aciers de Champagnole, S.A. Forges et Laminoirs de Breteuil, S.A. Unimetal - S.M. Normandie Aciéries Aubert …


Бал чулуу нь нүүрстөрөгчийн үндсэн аллотропуудын нэг юм. Харандааны бал хийхэд хэрэглэдэг уг материалын Graphite буюу бал чулуу гэдэг нэрийг эртний грекийн (graphō)- буюу зурах/бичих гэсэн үгээс ...

Homogenization of Periodic Sandwiches | SpringerLink

Abstract. Metallic sandwich plates (ribbed, honeycomb or corrugated plates) are widely used in aerospace and other industries due to their light weight and high stiffness. A three-dimensional accurate finite element model of such sandwich panels can become computationally expensive, and an equivalent plate formulation is therefore particularly ...

EOSC '97

Sollac FOS Steelplant G. Pittini, M. Deffe, J.M. Fourcade. Engineering problems and solutions related to extended 171 vessel lining lives ... Process and operational control at the Sollac Dunkerque BOF 247 P. Camelin, M. Delassus, CH. Jamesse, R. Pluquet, P. Guichard, D. Richard. The application of XRF analysis to converter 265

Development of sizing press at Sollac Fos

This paper describes how Sollac set up a sizing press at its Fos-sur-Mer plant in the South of France. The company decided to install large slab width reduction facilities at the hot strip mills in Dunkerque, Sérémange, and Fos. Close collaboration between various departments, as well as the participation of Sollac suppliers, led to rapid ...

Fos Port

Location: FOS is located 22 n.m. NW of Marseilles along the mediterranean coast General overview: Fos is a subport of Marseilles. It is a multipurpose port handling dry bulk, containers, gas, general cargo and tankers. FOS is made up of two harbours: - the "Eastern harbour", historical harbour located in the city of Marseille, where are mainly handled the …

Stratégie de la cokerie de Sollac Fos pour une durée de vie …

Stratégie de la cokerie de Sollac Fos pour une durée de vie maximale. Dans le contexte de l'usine, la duree de vie de la cokerie doit etre de 34 ans minimum.Pour y parvenir, d'importants travaux de renovation ont ete effectues preventivement apres 17 ans de marche et une injection de charbon a ete installee aux hauts-fourneaux, permettant ...

Maîtrise de l'épaisseur au train a bandes de Sollac Fos après

Résumé. Les cages finisseuses F5/F6/F7 du train a chaud de Sollac Fos ont été modernisées en 1989 et 1990. L'installation des serrages hydrauliques a apporte une très nette amélioration de la régularité de l'épaisseur sens long et les technologies WRS (translation des cylindres) et WRB (contreflexions cylindres) ont permis une bonne …

Коксын зуух

Коксын зуухны дээд хэсгийн дулаан тусгаарлагч давхарга болгон ашигладаг CCEWOOL керамик шилэн хавтан. 4. CCEWOOL керамик шилэн хөнжил нь коксын зуухны дээд хэсэгт нүүрс цэнэглэх нүхний ...

Optimisation du point de fonctionnement des hauts …

à Sollac Fos permet d'en faire une estimation à partir de la composition chimique de l'aggloméré : En 2004, des changements dans les minerais utilisés ont conduit à des variations de RDI calculés qui ont été observés sur la perméabilité en haut de cuve des hauts fourneaux. La figure 2montre la dégradation de la perméabilité en ...